Discover now the new antioxidant for male fertility here


Probiotics are defined as live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer beneficial health effects. maintenance of the urinary tract and reproductive system.

Several clinical studies with probiotics have confirmed its beneficial effect both for health and for the treatment and prevention of infectious and inflammatory diseases.

The Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium genera are the most commonly studied probiotics. The probiotic Lactobacillus plays a beneficial role in human reproduction and in the healthy maintenance of the urinary tract and reproductive system.

Frequently asked questions about probiotics

Probiotics exert a beneficial effect through three mechanisms:

  1. By reducing the vaginal pH, in this way the habitat is unfavorable for pathogens and they cannot colonize so easily.
  2. Producing substances that inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms.
  3. Producing substances that contribute to the growth of probiotic species that promote vaginal health

Balancing the vaginal microbiota is essential to stimulate female reproductive health.
The predominant bacterial genus in the vaginal microbiota is Lactobacillus. A daily intake of this probiotic helps the vaginal microbiota stay healthy.
When the vaginal microbiota decreases, the proportion of pathogens increases, increasing the risk of suffering from vaginosis and vaginitis.
Therefore, the use of probiotics can improve vaginal health and be the differential factor in reproductive processes.

FertyBiotic Woman® incorporates Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus crispatus and Lactobacillus plantarum in its formulation.
Lactobacillus rhamnosus: Lactobacillus rhamnosus works by blocking bacterial growth and is therefore useful in the treatment and prevention of bacterial vaginosis, vaginitis, yeast infections, and urinary infections.
Lactobacillus crispatus: Lactobacillus rhamnosus increases implantation rate, pregnancy success rate, and live birth rate.
Lactobacillus plantarum: Lactobacillus plantarum reduces the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and increases the presence of anti-inflammatory cytokines, correcting infertility induced by infectious processes.

Probiotics have an antioxidant and beneficial effect on male fertility

Antioxidants have been shown to improve seminal parameters and, for this reason, in cases where abnormalities are detected in a seminogram, specialists recommend dietary supplementation with antioxidants.

Probiotics are capable of colonizing the intestine and lead to many beneficial effects, including the antioxidant effect. If we add to the power of the antioxidants used classically (Selenium, Zinc, …) the antioxidant power that probiotics have shown, we will achieve a synergistic and enhanced effect.
What is even more interesting, if possible, is that the antioxidant effect of probiotics is maintained over time, something that does not happen with other antioxidants.

The antioxidant effect of probiotics is maintained over time, even after treatment is suspended.

In the case of other antioxidants, they are ingested, they are incorporated into our body and exert their effect, but provided that the intake is repeated periodically. However, with probiotics this does not happen. We ingest probiotics, they colonize the intestine and inhabit it, so their effect does not disappear after stopping treatment since they are still part of the intestinal microbiota.

Recent studies not only confirm that the effect is maintained over time, but also that it increases.

Recent studies show that the genus Lactobacillus is predominant in the semen of those men who have unaltered seminograms.

Several studies carried out by Valcarce et al., in 2017 and 2019 conclude that the use of Lactobacillus rhamnosus BLP15 and Bifidobacterium longum CECT 7347 increase sperm concentration and sperm motility and reduce sperm DNA fragmentation.


Probiotics play a beneficial role in reproduction and in maintaining reproductive health in women

The typical vaginal flora of a woman is characterized by a prevalence of the Lactobacillus genus, which contributes to the creation and maintenance of a natural environment hostile to attack by microbial pathogens.

During pregnancy, colonizing the vagina with Lactobacillus is an ideal strategy to prevent infection and maintain the balance of the natural microbiome.

The presence of the Lactobacillus genus in the vagina guarantees its physiological balance, which translates into numerous benefits for the pregnant woman:

Prevention of urinary infections and vaginal infections caused by fungi or bacteria, sometimes difficult to treat and causing great discomfort

reduced risk of preterm delivery and miscarriages

confers benefits to glucose metabolism, improving the situation in pregnant women suffering from gestational diabetes.

In addition, recent studies have shown that probiotic supplementation during pregnancy and lactation reduces the risk of allergies in children, which is why they not only have a favorable effect on the mother but also positively influence the future baby.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus

This species turns out to be effective in preventing the development of abnormal vaginal microbiota and in modifying cervical parameters.

This modification could be a risk factor for preterm birth (PTB).

It also helps reduce the risk of allergic conditions in the nursing neonate.

Lactobacillus reuteri

Also, like Lactobacillus rhamnosus, it prevents the development of abnormal vaginal microbiota by reducing the risk factors that can lead to premature labor.

It turns out to be effective for the prevention of the development of gestational gingivitis.

Recently published studies have shown that supplementation with probiotics and DHA during pregnancy and lactation reduces the risk of the child developing allergies (eczema, food allergies, etc.).

In addition, probiotics reduce the bacterial concentration of Staphylococcus in the mammary flora and help to restore its balance, allowing a more comfortable and healthy breastfeeding, and reducing the rate of recurrence in mastitis.

Therefore, this effect exerted by probiotics will be very beneficial for the mother and her baby, since mastitis is the main medical cause of early and unwanted abandonment of breastfeeding.

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