Discover now the most potent antioxidant for male fertility here

Fertycast (In)

Fertycast, las voces de la fertilidad. Un podcast para explorar el lado más humano de los profesionales sanitarios que trabajan en el mundo de la reproducción asistida. Con el patrocinio de Fertypharm, empresa líder en soluciones en salud reproductiva.

Disponible en las principales plataformas

Oxidative Stress and Semen Quality

Oxidative Stress and Semen Quality Sperm cells are highly susceptible to peroxidation in the presence of elevated levels of reactive …

Oral Probiotics in Vaginal Dysbiosis

As it is well known, the rectum is the reservoir of bacteria for the vagina. In this way, oral probiotics …

Primary antioxidants: the essential component in male fertility

Primary antioxidants play a crucial role in neutralizing oxidative stress, a key factor closely linked to male infertility. Recent research …


Emotional Impact in Assisted Reproduction treatments

Assisted reproduction treatments are an alternative full of hope and hope for infertile people and couples who are highly motivated …

Microbiota humana y Ejes de Translocación

The Translocation Axes of the Human Microbiota

The axes of physiological action of the human microbiota and the concept of translocation or transfer allow us to evaluate …


Benefits of oral administration of Probiotics

An optimal Lactobacillus concentration in the endometrial microbiota is essential as a predictive parameter of the outcome of IVF or …

Importance of DHA in male fertility

In humans, EPA is converted into DPA and this is eventually converted into DHA. However, this conversion is very limited …


Importance of probiotics in female fertility

In this article you will discover which probiotics are important for female fertility, where to find them and how they …

The genus Lactobacillus as a probiotic in pregnancy

In this article you will discover which probiotics are crucial for pregnancy, where to find them and how they can …


Importance of probiotics in male fertility

In this article you will discover which probiotics are essential for male fertility, where to find them and how they …


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