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Fertility Evidence

All our treatments have scientific evidence and are based on multiple studies. Below you will find them.

Josu Franco: The Fertility of the Future | AI and the Humanization of Laboratories

Today we have a fascinating conversation with Josu Franco, an embryologist who also studied nursing. This unique combination has allowed...

Pilar Diaz: The mission and vision of nursing in the world of Assisted Reproduction

In this episode, Pilar accompanies us to discover the role of the nursing team in the world of assisted reproduction....

Singular Probiotic Club

Fertypharm, in its commitment to specialists, organized the Singular Probiotic Club event in Madrid. The event featured a keynote presentation...

Anabel Salazar: Inspirational leadership, the fertility specialist you should follow in social media.

La Dra. Anabel Salazar es la nueva directora de la clínica de fertilidad más grande del grupo IVIRma en nuestro...

José Luis Gómez Palomares: The Secret to Productivity in Assisted Reproduction and in Life

Dr. José Luis Gómez Palomares, director of Wilson Fertility, shares his strategies for managing an incredibly busy schedule. From his...

Xin Xin Lin: Innovations and Challenges in Assisted Reproduction

In this episode of Fertycast, the voices of fertility, we speak with Dr. Xin Xin Lin, a gynecologist specializing in...

Carlos Dosouto: How Empathy Revolutionizes Assisted Reproduction

In this episode of Fertycast, the voices of fertility, Dr. Carlos Dosouto, a gynecologist specializing in assisted reproduction, shares his...

Fourth Edition of the Virtual Conference on Fertility

Innovation, Science and Debate at Fertypharm's 4th Virtual Fertility Conference The 4th Fertypharm Virtual Conference on Fertility, held on June...


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